Last update: 08-09-2024 00:00 UTC

Top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H – Live position:

  • Short in progress
  • Entry price : 2.793 $
  • Pnl : 1.4 %

Trade history

Over 6 months

Trade history for the 6 last months of the top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H


Complete trade history of the top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H

«Top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H» vs Buy & Hold ?

For this comparison we started from an initial portfolio of $1000 allocated to the «Top trading strategy OG 4H». was split evenly between the ten cryptocurrencies. It is compared to a Buy & Hold strategy consisting simply of buying and holding its asset.

Historical comparison of cumulative returns with Buy & Hold

Portfolio top stratégie OG Fan Token (OG) 4H

Annual comparison of cumulative returns with Buy & Holds

Annual comparison of cumulative returns with Buy & Hold of top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H

Heatmap of monthly returns

Heatmap of monthly returns of the top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H

Distribution of the monthly returns of the top strategy

Distribution of the monthly returns of the top trading strategy OG Fan Token (OG) 4H

Presentation of OG

OG Fan Token (OG) is a cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the relationship between fans and their favorite sports teams or organizations. It offers fans of the renowned esports organization, OG, a unique way to engage and connect with the team while also providing exclusive benefits and rewards.

One of the main purposes of OG Fan Token is to give fans a voice and allow them to actively participate in the decision-making process. Through the platform, token holders can influence various aspects of the organization, such as team jerseys, in-game content, or even player selection. This creates a sense of ownership and involvement for fans, fostering a strong community and bonding with the team.

In addition to the voting rights, OG Fan Token also offers exclusive perks to its holders. Fans can enjoy rewards like limited-edition merchandise, VIP experiences, meet-and-greets with players, and access to behind-the-scenes content. These privileges elevate the fan experience and provide a deeper connection with the team, making OG Fan Token more than just a cryptocurrency.

The use of blockchain technology ensures transparency and security within the OG Fan Token ecosystem. The immutable nature of blockchain ensures that all transactions and voting results are recorded and cannot be altered, providing a fair and trustworthy platform for fans and the organization alike.

Furthermore, the OG Fan Token serves as a financial tool for fans. It allows them to buy, sell, and trade tokens within the supported cryptocurrency exchanges, potentially leading to profit-making opportunities. This creates an additional incentive for fans to invest in and support their favorite team, as they can also benefit financially from the success of the organization.

Overall, OG Fan Token aims to revolutionize the way fans engage with their favorite sports teams or organizations. By offering voting rights, exclusive perks, and financial opportunities, it creates a unique and symbiotic relationship between fans and the team. Through the use of blockchain technology, it provides transparency, security, and a vibrant community experience. With OG Fan Token, fans can truly feel like an integral part of the OG organization and create lasting memories as they support their beloved team.

Strategy details

«Top trading strategy OG 4H» is the result of meticulous selection work. Above all, we backtested long and short around 20 strategies. Then, we selected for you the best of them on the basis of their success rate and their risk gain ratio. In order to refine the money management of the trading strategy, we take into account the relative cumulative return between the three strategies for each position taken. We are currently working on incorporating Kelly’s formula into position sizing.

Tags : [‘sports’, ‘fan-token’, ‘soccer’]

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Investors are advised to conduct their own research and consult financial professionals before making investment decisions.

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