I am sharing with you today the three strategic principles in stock trading that are easy to implement. Fundamental analysis aims to identify, in the sea of publicly traded companies, the ones with the most potential. In France alone, Euronext lists more than 1000 companies.

Certainly, there is no magical method to consistently identify them. However, there are common-sense principles that will guide you favorably in your investment decisions. To be and remain a profitable investor, it is crucial to approach the markets with a strategy.

Strategic principles #1 : Prioritize growing sectors

We have seen in the article on the major phases of a company’s life that industry sectors go through a development phase, a growth phase, a maturity phase, and then a decline phase. It is advisable to focus on industry sectors in development and growth for the long and medium term.

The average, long-term revenue growth of the industry sector is a good way to assess its position in this cycle.

  • Development / Growth: 15 – 500%
  • Maturity: 0 – 15%
  • Decline: -10 – 0%

For example, the personal products market has experienced an average revenue growth of approximately 12% over the last 5 years, while the tobacco sector has declined by 3%.

intra_sector_returns_ gap
Source : Fidelity

Strategic principles #2 : Target leaders in their industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and finance, one principle remains constant: investing in industry leaders is a strategic move with tremendous potential. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider putting your money behind those who are at the forefront of their respective fields.

  1. Proven Track Record: Leaders in their industry didn’t get there by chance. They’ve demonstrated a consistent ability to outperform their competitors, adapt to changing markets, and achieve sustainable growth.
  2. Innovation and Adaptability: These frontrunners are often at the cutting edge of innovation. They invest heavily in research and development, staying ahead of the curve in their industry.
  3. Economies of Scale: Industry leaders typically benefit from economies of scale, which allow them to produce goods or services more efficiently and at a lower cost than their rivals.
  4. Market Influence: Being a leader means they often set the tone for the entire industry. Their decisions can influence market trends, regulations, and consumer behavior.
  5. Brand Recognition: Recognizable brands are not just a sign of success but also a valuable asset. Consumers trust established brands, leading to increased sales and higher stock prices.
  6. Resilience in Downturns: Industry leaders tend to weather economic downturns better than their competitors. Their financial stability and diversified product portfolios offer protection against market volatility.
  7. Strong Management: Leading companies are typically led by experienced and capable management teams. Their leadership can navigate challenges effectively, ensuring long-term stability.
  1. Global Reach: Leaders often have a global footprint, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios internationally and tap into various markets and consumer bases.
  2. Higher Dividends and Returns: Investing in industry leaders can result in higher dividend yields and better capital appreciation, leading to superior long-term returns.
  3. Reduced Risk: The stability and consistency of leaders can make them a safer bet for risk-averse investors, as they tend to be less susceptible to market turbulence.
  4. Mergers and Acquisitions: Industry leaders often have the resources and expertise to pursue strategic mergers and acquisitions, which can further enhance their competitive edge and your investment’s value.
  5. Institutional Backing: Institutional investors, such as pension funds and mutual funds, often invest in industry leaders. Aligning your investments with these giants can be a smart move.
  6. Long-Term Vision: Leaders tend to have a long-term vision for growth, which can result in sustainable profitability and higher stock prices over time.
  7. Greater Liquidity: Stocks of industry leaders typically have higher trading volumes, ensuring you can easily buy and sell shares when needed.
  8. Diverse Investment Sectors: Industry leaders span various sectors, from technology and healthcare to finance and consumer goods. This diversity allows you to invest in sectors with which you’re most comfortable.

Investing in industry leaders is like hitching your wagon to a star. They are well-positioned to weather storms, thrive in sunshine, and guide the way forward. While no investment is entirely risk-free, choosing leaders in their industry can provide you with a solid foundation for building a successful and resilient investment portfolio. So, consider allocating a portion of your investment funds to these industry giants and watch your financial future shine bright.


Strategic principles #3 : Find the MOAT

When it comes to investing, the concept of a “moat” isn’t about a medieval fortress. Instead, it’s a term popularized by legendary investor Warren Buffett that can help you make smarter investment choices. In this article, we’ll break down what a moat is and how to use it to your advantage.

What Is a Moat?

A business moat is like a protective shield that surrounds a company and makes it difficult for competitors to breach its fortress. It’s the unique set of qualities that gives a company a lasting edge in the market. Here’s how you can recognize and use a moat:

  • Brand Power: Some businesses have a moat built on strong brand recognition. Think of Coca-Cola or Apple. Their brands are so powerful that customers often stick with them, making it challenging for newcomers to compete.
  • Cost Advantages: Efficiency can be a moat. Companies like Walmart and Amazon leverage their cost advantages to offer goods at lower prices. This keeps competitors at bay and attracts customers.
  • Network Effects: Social media platforms like Facebook benefit from network effects. The more users they have, the more valuable the platform becomes. It’s hard for newcomers to replicate such a network.
  • Patents and Technology: Companies with cutting-edge technology or unique patents, like Tesla with its electric vehicle technology, have strong moats. Their innovations set them apart.

How to Use a Moat in Investing

Now that you know what a moat is, here’s how you can use it to make more informed investment decisions:

  • Identify the Moat: When researching a company, look for the qualities that give it a competitive advantage. Is it a well-known brand, do they have proprietary technology, or is it a cost leader?
  • Assess the Sustainability: A strong moat isn’t just about having an advantage today. It’s about maintaining it in the future. Analyze if the company’s moat is likely to endure.
  • Evaluate the Competition: Consider how well the company’s moat protects it from competitors. Are there any emerging threats that could breach the defenses?
  • Long-Term Perspective: Moats are about long-term investment. If you believe the moat is durable and the company’s financials are strong, it might be a solid investment.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in one moat. Diversify your investments across different companies and industries to spread risk.

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the concept of a business moat is a valuable tool in the world of investing. It can help you identify companies with a competitive edge, which may lead to more profitable and sustainable investments in the long run. So, the next time you consider an investment, ask yourself, “Does this company have a moat?” It could be your key to building a more robust investment portfolio.

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